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Hindi as a subject in Singapore
In Hindi Classes in Singapore The Hindi lessons are conducted for the mainstream students, from Primary 1 to A level, who have opted for Hindi as their mother tongue subject in their school curriculum time.
Hindi is not like other languages such as English, German, or French; all elements such as writing, speaking, reading, and listening are quite different. Kiya learning provides the best online classes
The Hindi Classes In Singapore Is Managed By The Board Of Teaching & Testing Of South AsianLanguages (BTTSAL).
In Order To Attain Fluency And Proficiency In Hindi Subject, The Best And The Most Effective Way Is To Engage A Private Hindi Language Tutor To Provide Proper Guidance In Learning The Hindi.
Kiya Learning Is Widely Regarded As One Of The Best Hindi Classes As We Teach As Per The BTTSAL.


Here are some Preschool Hindi topics we cover
- Phonics
- Hindi Devanagari Script
- Writing
- And much more

Here are some Primary School Hindi topics we cover
Picture-based essay
Guided essay
Language use and comprehension
Graphic stimulus
Cloze comprehension
Picture description
Oral examination
Words in pairs
Completion of sentences
Picture interpretation
Reading Aloud
Listening comprehension
Here are some Secondary School Hindi topics we cover
Speech writing
Essay writing
Sentence transformation
Combination or separation of words
Cloze passage
And much more
Lecture Notes
Kiya Learning provides lecture notes and worksheets to the students in the online classes. These lecture notes have been designed concisely and are easy to learn.
Professional Tutors
Our tutors have conducted 1:1 online lessons. We provide only professional and experienced tutors.
