Kiya Learning team of instructors are qualified FIDE Rated Chess Instructors with more than 7 years of mentoring kids of various age groups. Our comprehensive 48-weeks( 2 year) study plan for beginners, intermediate, and advanced chess players covers various chess strategies, positional understanding, and tactics behind openings, middlegames & endgames etc providing a thorough understanding of both practical and theoretical aspects of the game.
Benefits Of Online Chess Class
Play Online Tournaments
Good Time Engagement
Creative Thinking
Learn Form Home
Developed New Skill
We assure:
- Experienced instructors with their own merits in the games
- FIDE Rated Chess Coaches
- Highly engaging and interactive video Lessons
- Unlimited Puzzles
- Online Game play
- Tournaments & More
- Study Material and Practical Assignments
- Chess Certification

Certified Chess Courses
Beginner Chess Class
At Kiya Learning, the initial steps into the game are a fun experience. The simple and interesting lessons that are segmented and customised for easy understanding make learning chess fun for the novices. Our online chess coaching is designed to engage children productively and sustain their attention throughout
Beginner 1 : Sessions 1 to 24
- Chessboard and chessmen
- Chessboard and chessmen
- Special move castling
- Checking the King
- Check or Checkmate
Beginner 2: Sessions 25 to 48
- Elementary Checkmate
- Checkmate in One Move using Queen
- Opening Theory
- Checkmating Ideas
- Training Games
Intermediate Chess Class
Our intermediate online training program in chess helps the young players to make their foundations strong. Our expert trainers who are master players themselves guide the budding talents to explore their potential and develop their unique style and method of playing.
Intermediate Session 49 to 72
- Knight Fork
- Double Attack
- Back Rank
- Discovered Attack
- Training Games
Advance Chess Class
For young players, training with the expert coaches at Kiya Learning is an up-gradation of their skills. They get hands-on experience with the advanced tactics of the game and get practical lessons on the techniques and tricks of the grandmasters.
Advanced I Sessions : 73 to 96
- Checkmating Patterns
- Decoy
- Deflection
- Line opening and Line Closing
- Passed Pawn
Advanced II Sessions : 97 to 200
- Opposition
- Rule of the Square
- King &Pawn
- Rock Versus Pawn
- Queen Versus Rook
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I enjoyed the chess lessons and learned a lot about opening principles, strategies, tactics, endgames, and attacking. I would highly recommend the kiya learning platform to my friends.

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My son went to a tournament for the first time, and won 1st place. I am very thankful to mam who prepared my child for the competition.

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My son went to a tournament for the first time, and won 1st place. I am very thankful to mam who prepared my child for the competition.