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English Language is Important in Singapore

The Ministry of Education states that knowledge of English is important for Singapore pupils. Since it is the language of administration, education, science, business, technology, and worldwide communication.

Why Learn English?

English is the most widely spoken language in the world, so enable yourself to converse with individuals from all around the world.
Aside from school, curriculum, and literature, English has numerous benefits. It boosts a child’s self-esteem and opens doors to many additional possibilities that would not be feasible without fluent English.

The school curriculum strives to improve kids’ speaking and listening abilities, as well as develop them into independent readers who can write down their thoughts.

Students are expected to be proficient in English. By proficient, I mean that a child is capable of making analysis and arguments regarding contemporary concerns, hands-on writing arguments, is good at public speaking, journalism, and more.

English Classes in Singapore
English Classes in Singapore

English Tuition programmes

English Classes in Singapore
Primary School
English Classes in Singapore
Secondary School
English Classes in Singapore
Junior College


Proficiency in the English language is examined through written exams, oral exams, and listening comprehension tests. Being good at writing does not mean that a child is also good at speaking. To become proficient in the English language one should be good in all aspects, from reading to writing, listening, and speaking.

Reading and speaking are included in this category. In this category, we check whether the child is capable of reading smoothly and correctly pronouncing words. Does your child hesitate or not while conversing in English. Does he easily express himself in English?

This consists of checking whether your child is able to correctly punctuate phrases and compose sentences without making grammatical errors, and is your youngster capable of constructing whole sentences?

How easy is it for your youngster to listen to spoken English and comprehend all that is said? Can your youngster make a quick judgment after hearing an English-language broadcast?


English Classes in Singapore

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