
Register for 1 day Free Trial Class


Register for 1 day Free Trial Class


Accounting is concerned with a company’s financial records, including their preparation, review, and administration.

Auditing, tax, assessment, international accounting, forensic accounting, and management accounting are examples of specialized areas in accounting.

With Accountancy Classes in Singapore by Kiya learning you can learn this all. Kiya Learning provides private classes where highly qualified teachers teach. From normal easy entries to book keeping, corrections and errors in journals, financial statements, accounting ratios, and many more will be taught with a proper study guide.

Taught By Expert Tutor

You will get tutoring from the big-four auditors, current MNC managers and college lecturers.

Best Study Material

Our study material, notes and worksheets are updated and designed in such a way that they are detailed, comprehensive, easy to learn.


Our experienced accounting tutor are friendly in nature. They are easy to approach as they have patience in case you want to clear any doubt. Check the best online classes in Singapore.

Accounting Outline:

Recording Financial Transactions

  • The principles of doubleentry accounting

Correction of Errors and the Journal

  • Correction of errors not affecting the trial balance
  • Correction of errors affecting the trial balance
  • The Journa

Preparation of Financial Statements

  • Partnerships
  • Limited liability companies
  • Incomplete records of a sole trader
  • Manufacturing businesses
  • Non-profit making organisations

Control Accounts

  • The preparation of control accounts
  • Reconciliation of control accounts

Adjustments in Financial Statements

  • Accounting concepts
  • Accounting for depreciation
  • Accounting for irrecoverable debts and allowance for doubtful debts
  • Accounting for accruals and prepayments

Accounting Ratios

  • The calculation and interpretation of accounting ratios


LCCI Course

111 (2)

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